Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 2, 2016

Arik Air further increases West Africa services

Arik Air has officially confirmed that it will be implementing another round of capacity expansion into the lucrative West African market place in the following manner:

DKR - frequencies increased to daily one stop service from LOS with 4 flights operated via ABJ and 3 via ACC all with 5th freedom traffic rights. This increase is effective 22FEB and all flights are operated using a B737-700.

Schedule is as follows:

Days - 1/3/5/7
Aircraft - B737-700

W3 394 Dep LOS 2045 Arr ABJ 2115
W3 394 Dep ABJ 2200 Arr DKR 0055+1
W3 395 Dep DKR 0345 Arr ABJ 0640
W3 395 Dep ABJ 0730 Arr LOS 1000

Days - 2/4/6

Aircraft - B737-700

W3 388 Dep LOS 2045 Arr ACC 2045
W3 388 Dep ACC 2130 Arr DKR 0045+1
W3 389 Dep DKR 0315 Arr ACC 0630
W3 389 Dep ACC 0730 Arr LOS 0930   

BJL - frequencies increased from 3 to 4 weekly flights; all operated from LOS via ACC using a B737-700. This increase is effective 14MAR and will result in W3 being the only carrier offering nonstop service between ACC and BJL. 

Schedule is as follows:

Days - 1/3/5/7
Aircraft - B737-700

W3 310 Dep LOS 2045 Arr ACC 2045
W3 310 Dep ACC 2130 Arr BJL 0035+1
W3 311 Dep BJL 0325 Arr ACC 0630
W3 311 Dep ACC 0730 Arr LOS 0930 
As a result of the above, Arik Air becomes the preferred choice for Ghana residents flying to the major cities of West Africa as the airline will be connecting 6 cities nonstop i.e. Dakar, Lagos, Abuja, Monrovia, Freetown and Banjul.

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